Centiki Virtual Exchange is a replica of the computer program created by the board of directors of the library in the catacombs, under the city of Paris. The objectives are the same. Take action to avoid desertification of the planet. Make enough money while doing it to address some of the economic and social problems existent today. Climate change is not the only concern. As long as we have inequality, hunger, and extremism, the world will not be cool even at temperatures below freezing. The source of the riches on the exchange is the free bounty of nature. In December 2018 the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management sold the right to develop 4 GW of wind power capacity for $405.1 million. Getting money from the wind is a breeze. Solar radiation is omnipresent. Most of the magnesium metal is extracted from sea water. The desert can produce abundant food with free water from the ocean. The minimal wage for garment workers in Bangladesh is $92.14 per month. This is the retail value of the solar energy that falls monthly on two square meters of collector. About the size of an umbrella!
Centiki is played by the book. The game manual gives clues and helps with membership selection. What you get out of Centiki is exactly what you put in. You have to earn what you get. Virtual companies are proposed by level 4 members or selected and adapted from the generic ones listed in the shop. Virtual companies can be actual business entities, creative or scientific projects, or anything useful and ethical. Options for a virtual company are votes for the validation of that project. Options are recorded with unique serial numbers. A validated company begins a life of its own. It becomes a mockup of a real life business enterprise. The option owners elect a board of directors. The goal of the group is to transform the virtual company into a real life entity. Intellectual property is acquired with loans from the exchange and the sale of artifacts. With every step in the right direction, the price of the company option goes up. When the virtual company has enough to offer, it seeks financial backing from investors. The option owners will retain a stake in the new enterprise according to the number of votes they have exercised.
Each player starts at level 5 as director of the board of the library with the rank of inspector of the 21st Precinct. Level 4 will give the player the option to open a broker store to sell and trade virtual items. The player becomes a first lieutenant of the 21st Precinct. With level 3 the player gets command privileges: captain of the 21st Precinct.